When I flew into La Paz in October of last year it was refreshing to see Allymar sitting there in the yard as we flew over the marina. Now she sits there again and the big question now is which side of the plane I will need to be on to see her as I fly out. Put her on the hard yesterday and spent the night up on solid ground (althouth 12 feet up in the guess air) for the first time in quite a while. Suprisingly the boat seemed to be moving still as I adjusted to the lack of movement. Getting to the travel lift was the usual difficult maueuver as the old girl just does not back up well. I do like having a mizzen mast but times like the travel lift backing in and lack of a place to put solar panels makes me yern for a cutter rig.
Now that I am putting her up and remember all of the many tasks to do so, I guess that lack of memory is a survival mechanism.
Luckily I am not alone as there are 3 other boat slaves doing the same as me. Gives us something else to talk about rather than sailing stories
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