October 25, 2009
Tried to post something three times and the Howard Johnson web site would not allow me to do it. The nerve of them!! Hopefully Harp was able to post something for me. Today is the big party at West Marine where all of us (700) to meet the folks. Tomorrow is the big day to leave at 1100.
October 27, 2009
Put our anchor down not in Turtle bay a expected, but rather in Bahia San Quentin. There was a rather big swell out in the pacific and all but the hard core racers came here. It was a bit snotty especially with the swell lifting and transom and constantly spilling all of the wind out of the sails. Rock and rolling that made both of the crew quite sea sick. Based upon prior experience I went out of my way to remind them of the importance of both eating and drinking even if that is only a temporary input to their body. At the same time I have to remember that I m not their keeper and as adults they can ans should make good decisions. That is something they both do, but I am “always the pop” in my own mind.
We had to motor 1/3rd of the way the San Quintin, as the wind finally went away (at a level that will move Allymar 12 knots). I look forward to getting to cruising grounds where I can leave or stay according to my and not a schedule of the rally. Positive notes on being able to finally get the ham radio working and can communicate with other ham’s and SSB users on boats. The problem was a loose connection and not a big grounding or antenna/counterpoise problem.
Writing this as we passage to Turtle Bay. Great winds although the swells are still present. Bad news in that a J 120 was attacked by a whale as they left San Qunitin and as a result JWorld was lost. All 5 hands were picked up by Coast Guard chopper and are safe and well in San Diego. They had 7 minutes to get off the boat into the liferaft, set off the EPRIP and had a horrible time in a swamped and wet raft. First boat lost in the history of the Ha Ha. Puts a note of caution and awareness of the fact we are in a less forgiving environment that on land and must be ready to make decisions that are and can be lifesaving. My heart goes out to them.
As for this moment I was just out on deck, the moon is out, looking down the swells is like a canyon that moves taking you with it. Swells are scheduled to be 20-25t on 12-14 second intervals and they are that.
October 30. 2009
Turtle Bay, lights of all the anchored boats as backdrop to warm windy Mexican nights. We will leave tomorrow for Bahia Santa Maria 235 nautical miles down the coast. As we spent the extra night in San Qunitin our time here was too short. Did not have the time to go to the night of the dead celebration in town as I did last year. Did make it to the beach party and yes did drink and eat too much. 700 people on a beach with similar intention is a sight. Was able to put faces with the voices I heard on the radio. Lots of chatter on the radio as the long night of watches passes.
Was able to fix the jammed mizzen halyard using climbing gear. Pulled the mizzen down the other night in big swells and a rolling boat and the halyard was pulled sideways. The other problem is a small fuel leak in the engine room which will take much more fixing. A job for La Paz I expect.
The next passage will be 2 nights and 3 days. To be honest I would like better a slower passage down the outside of Ba Ha. There are anchorages we are missing. But, this venue made it easier to find crew. Doubt I will ever come this way again on my own boat, and might try to find myself a crew position in the future for a more slow transit. This time I have a commitment to my crew and Dean who will meet me in Cabo to keep on the schedule. If it was not for that, I would bag the Ha Ha. At the same time I am having fun.
If anyone reading this wants to talk about the pros and cons lets do so.
November 1, 2009
Wow, November is here. We have been on the water for 2 months, and 1 more to go to see Harp again. This is the second of 2 nights offshore traveling to Bahia Santa Maria. Last night was perfect except for a lack of enough wind and Harp being here. Smooth seas, almost full moon, warm weather (almost T shirt and shorts) and the twinkling lights all around of fellow sailors. What a splendid night to remember. Played Hawaiian slack key guitar on the I Pod ™, and stood and looked around. Was not a night to sit in the cockpit and just watch to make sure the windvane was steering the correct course. Based upon the radio chatter, I was not the only one with this feeling of a special night. When I wonder why I put up with the confused seas, cold nights and windless days, I need to remember last night.
November 2, 2009
Anchored in Bahis Santa Maria. Wish I could stay here for a week and walk the sands, climb the hills and play Frisbee ™ with sea dollars. They are the biggest I have ever seen anywhere and more plentiful than at Westport Washington. At night the anchorage is full of all the anchor lights of the fleet as there is no city here. What a lonely, beautiful place is Santa Maria.
November 5, 2009
Should be in Cabo in about 4 hours. Can see Capo Falso with Cabo just around the corner. Another special night last night. My watch was 12 -3 and I did not want it to end. Other sailors with thousands of miles under their keels, said on the radio this morning that they can’t remember a better night and that it would go into their memory bank as one of the special ones. Occasionally there is a meeting of seas, wind, weather and attitude that together is bigger and more emotional than the separate parts. We have had some of those the last few nights. It has little to do with safety, distance from land or the completion of your journey.. It is a connection with the boat, the seas and the universe that I am not poet enough to describe. I just enjoy it and leave the rest to the wordsmiths. Saw my first green flash the night of the 4th. Just as the sun disappeared, a lava lamp like bubble of green bubbled to the surface for a nanosecond. Seeing your first akes you look harder for the other surprises that the heavens have in store for you.
Tried to post something three times and the Howard Johnson web site would not allow me to do it. The nerve of them!! Hopefully Harp was able to post something for me. Today is the big party at West Marine where all of us (700) to meet the folks. Tomorrow is the big day to leave at 1100.
October 27, 2009
Put our anchor down not in Turtle bay a expected, but rather in Bahia San Quentin. There was a rather big swell out in the pacific and all but the hard core racers came here. It was a bit snotty especially with the swell lifting and transom and constantly spilling all of the wind out of the sails. Rock and rolling that made both of the crew quite sea sick. Based upon prior experience I went out of my way to remind them of the importance of both eating and drinking even if that is only a temporary input to their body. At the same time I have to remember that I m not their keeper and as adults they can ans should make good decisions. That is something they both do, but I am “always the pop” in my own mind.
We had to motor 1/3rd of the way the San Quintin, as the wind finally went away (at a level that will move Allymar 12 knots). I look forward to getting to cruising grounds where I can leave or stay according to my and not a schedule of the rally. Positive notes on being able to finally get the ham radio working and can communicate with other ham’s and SSB users on boats. The problem was a loose connection and not a big grounding or antenna/counterpoise problem.
Writing this as we passage to Turtle Bay. Great winds although the swells are still present. Bad news in that a J 120 was attacked by a whale as they left San Qunitin and as a result JWorld was lost. All 5 hands were picked up by Coast Guard chopper and are safe and well in San Diego. They had 7 minutes to get off the boat into the liferaft, set off the EPRIP and had a horrible time in a swamped and wet raft. First boat lost in the history of the Ha Ha. Puts a note of caution and awareness of the fact we are in a less forgiving environment that on land and must be ready to make decisions that are and can be lifesaving. My heart goes out to them.
As for this moment I was just out on deck, the moon is out, looking down the swells is like a canyon that moves taking you with it. Swells are scheduled to be 20-25t on 12-14 second intervals and they are that.
October 30. 2009
Turtle Bay, lights of all the anchored boats as backdrop to warm windy Mexican nights. We will leave tomorrow for Bahia Santa Maria 235 nautical miles down the coast. As we spent the extra night in San Qunitin our time here was too short. Did not have the time to go to the night of the dead celebration in town as I did last year. Did make it to the beach party and yes did drink and eat too much. 700 people on a beach with similar intention is a sight. Was able to put faces with the voices I heard on the radio. Lots of chatter on the radio as the long night of watches passes.
Was able to fix the jammed mizzen halyard using climbing gear. Pulled the mizzen down the other night in big swells and a rolling boat and the halyard was pulled sideways. The other problem is a small fuel leak in the engine room which will take much more fixing. A job for La Paz I expect.
The next passage will be 2 nights and 3 days. To be honest I would like better a slower passage down the outside of Ba Ha. There are anchorages we are missing. But, this venue made it easier to find crew. Doubt I will ever come this way again on my own boat, and might try to find myself a crew position in the future for a more slow transit. This time I have a commitment to my crew and Dean who will meet me in Cabo to keep on the schedule. If it was not for that, I would bag the Ha Ha. At the same time I am having fun.
If anyone reading this wants to talk about the pros and cons lets do so.
November 1, 2009
Wow, November is here. We have been on the water for 2 months, and 1 more to go to see Harp again. This is the second of 2 nights offshore traveling to Bahia Santa Maria. Last night was perfect except for a lack of enough wind and Harp being here. Smooth seas, almost full moon, warm weather (almost T shirt and shorts) and the twinkling lights all around of fellow sailors. What a splendid night to remember. Played Hawaiian slack key guitar on the I Pod ™, and stood and looked around. Was not a night to sit in the cockpit and just watch to make sure the windvane was steering the correct course. Based upon the radio chatter, I was not the only one with this feeling of a special night. When I wonder why I put up with the confused seas, cold nights and windless days, I need to remember last night.
November 2, 2009
Anchored in Bahis Santa Maria. Wish I could stay here for a week and walk the sands, climb the hills and play Frisbee ™ with sea dollars. They are the biggest I have ever seen anywhere and more plentiful than at Westport Washington. At night the anchorage is full of all the anchor lights of the fleet as there is no city here. What a lonely, beautiful place is Santa Maria.
November 5, 2009
Should be in Cabo in about 4 hours. Can see Capo Falso with Cabo just around the corner. Another special night last night. My watch was 12 -3 and I did not want it to end. Other sailors with thousands of miles under their keels, said on the radio this morning that they can’t remember a better night and that it would go into their memory bank as one of the special ones. Occasionally there is a meeting of seas, wind, weather and attitude that together is bigger and more emotional than the separate parts. We have had some of those the last few nights. It has little to do with safety, distance from land or the completion of your journey.. It is a connection with the boat, the seas and the universe that I am not poet enough to describe. I just enjoy it and leave the rest to the wordsmiths. Saw my first green flash the night of the 4th. Just as the sun disappeared, a lava lamp like bubble of green bubbled to the surface for a nanosecond. Seeing your first akes you look harder for the other surprises that the heavens have in store for you.
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