Good morning to all my friends
I am sending this from Catalina Island on the 11 th of October. We arriver here yesterday and will be leaving for either the other side of the island or Newport Beach tomorrow as a southwersterlie is coming. Very weird to be around people especiallyt tourists at this resort like place. No stores, but there is a bar and restruant. Everyone in shorts and designer sunglasses. I will attempt to download some pictures if the battery on the computer is charged sufficiently.
We continue to have a great time cruising and look forward to arriving in San Diego on the 17th. We keep on meeting more and more Ha Ha boatsd and share stories and dreams.
I am sending this from Catalina Island on the 11 th of October. We arriver here yesterday and will be leaving for either the other side of the island or Newport Beach tomorrow as a southwersterlie is coming. Very weird to be around people especiallyt tourists at this resort like place. No stores, but there is a bar and restruant. Everyone in shorts and designer sunglasses. I will attempt to download some pictures if the battery on the computer is charged sufficiently.
We continue to have a great time cruising and look forward to arriving in San Diego on the 17th. We keep on meeting more and more Ha Ha boatsd and share stories and dreams.
I tried to write as often as I could during my time away from the internet and cell phones
September 19, 2009
Left the hustle and bustle of the tourist town of Morro Bay to sail to Port San Luis. Finally saw almost all of the famous rock as we left. Legend has it that an early Spanish explorer felt it resembled the turbin or a Moor and named the rock. Spent all day in the fog without wind and had a grand sail only the last hour or so. Anchored off of Avila Beach and finally feel that I am in SoCal. Not much in Avila Beach as it is a beach town for San Luis Obisbo. Swimming, beach volleyball and the usual suspects. Had a pier to assist the trip to shore, with a ladder to climb up. Was able to stretch my legs some with a walk on the bike path and one to the lighthouse. 5 other cruising sailboats in the anchorage with us, all headed south.
September 23, 2009
Left at 2100 last night to sail to San Miguel Island. Wet and drippy night with the NW wind coming up after midnight. Ran the reefed main and staysail as night is not the time to put up the down wind sails.
Arrived at about 1420 to Cuyler Harbor and anchored with another boat. Plan was to go ashore and explore, when the winds really picked up and the dingy could not make it. Hard to believe that there can be this much chop and surf with being close to the shore and a mountain between us and the wind, We will be doing an anchor watch hourly tonight and check for chafe and dragging. Put out a second anchor on loose line just in case the primary CQR lets go. With better weather we will hike tomorrow and explore this national park property.
A trip of diversity and changes. Fog, sun, wind, calms, hot and cold. Cities, small towns and isolated anchorages. Placed to go ashore and places we cant due to the weather. Watching the sun come up through the fog this morning and feeling the heat warm a chilled body. Seeing 1 star and than the full star field appear as the fog lifted off the northern California coast. Looking at the new moon the other night the same time as Harp was in Silverton.. Adapting to the differing conditions that we have no control over once we have made a decision to do a passage.
September 24, 2009
Left San Miguel Island this morning and had a light wind run to Johnsaon Lee on the south side of Santa Rosa Island. Calm and smooth, warm and able to take showers in the sun. Bummer in that we re not able to go ashore. Combination of poor shore approach and the hunt on the island which has closed most of the island to visit. Met once again with Tom and Kim on Champagne who helped my sleep with fantastic margaritas.
September 25 2009.
Arrived in Bechers Bay on the east end of Santa Rosa island. Beachers Bay, northwest anchorage. Quite windy (downslope) and was aloso unable to go ashore as the parks dept is rebuilding the pier and I was asked to remove myself and the dingy ASAP. Something about my not reading the notices to mariners. Who ever reads those things anyway. Wild ride with Tom and Kim in his fast dingy with an unscheduled test of his transom when we hit a patch of kelp at full speed. The margaritas helped. Look forward to tomorrow as the weather is supposed to moderate. Hot chocolate night and thinking of family and loved ones. Taking the world as it happens and making the best of each opportunity.
September 26, 2009
Wow, what a day on the island. Winds out of the south allowed us to motor the dingy 1 ½ miles across the bay and land at the head of the canyon. Took a great walk on the canyon trail with wren calls, deep sightings and grand vistas. Saw a rare Santo Rosa Torrey Pine that only grows here and a type of lily that is special to here. Found a campground with hot running water, what a wonderful opportunity to clean up. The park rangers work Tue to Tue and love it out here. They would have taken us on a guided hike but needed greater numbers and were also limited in areas due to the hunt. The ranch family will vacate the island the end of 2011 and at that point the parks service will manage the entire island. Santa Rosa has been overgrazed for years and the chances of it ever being restored top pre white settlement is marginal. They are and will continue to eradicate non native species of animals and plans as possible. Actually the hunt is needed as deer and elk are not native. The question will be, who will eat the nonnative grasses endemic here now. Reminds me of the Steens in eastern Oregon with the removal of cattle from the canyons. Hard to believe that this island once was covered with oaks and had a whole different ecology. What a mess we civilized whites have done to the earth.
Just made it back to Allymar before the northwesterlies blew up in out face as we crossed back over the bay in the dingy with a 2 horse outboard. Glad we left the landing when we did. Another rocky windy night in wind alley.
September 27, 2009
Another night in windy alley was correct. Blew hard all night and when I did anchor watch at 0200 heard the people on the small boat just to SB talking about their anchor and how they were concerned. Left at 0845 this morning and there is no wind and we are motoring in dense fog. Visibility about 100 yards.
September 30, 2009
We all were tired of the constant winds and decided to leave for Santa Cruz island earlier than planned. We have been anchored at Coches Prietos (named for the black pig or boar that used to roam the island before the nature conservancy eliminated the pest). Coches is on the south side of the island and offers excellent protection from the 25 with gusts to 35 knot winds blowing from the NW. Another benefit is that the island soaks up all the moisture in the wind and the decks are not so wet in the morning. If he wind blows from the east and there is no dew on the deck in the morning we must leave for the other side of the island as the Santa Anna’s would be coming. There has been a steady stream of other boats coming and going from here although there are only 2 of us left since yesterday morning. I expect everyone is hunkered down waiting out the weather in nooks and crannies here on the south side. Took a couple of good hikes to the top of the first line of hills and can’t go much farther as the central valley of Santa Cruz is protected. Met a sailor the other night who has been around the globe on his J160 4 times since retirement. He will be joining the HaHa and I hope to talk to him more.
Sandy bottom with the anchor visible from the surface, occasional kelp growing to the surface and water almost warm enough to swim. Colin was able to spear 2 perch the last 2 nights and the variety was appreciated in our diet. We plan to go to Smuggler cove tomorrow for a change of scenery, and maybe the north side of the island before going to Catalina. He warm weather remain our partner. October is tomorrow, wow, we have seen so much in such a short period of time,
October 2, 2009
We have decided to remain at Cochos Prietes as there is a gale blowing on the north side of Santa Cruz Island. So we have to stay here is what is actually a paradise of a spot. The water is clear and the weather except for the inability to go to the north is great. We have easterly winds in the morning and they slowly veer to the NW as the day passes. The other morning was rather hectic with a small santa anna blowing out of the east and boaters leaving the anchorage with calls to us that we HAD to leave as danger was coming. I checked the weather and determined from the forecast and weather buoys at Anacapa Island (east of here) that the blow should be over by noon and we should be ok with two anchors out. Glad I was right as it turned out as planned. Hard decision to make with panicked skippers leaving. Then about 1100 I heard a skipper talking out coming in here, and it was our friends on Champagne (Tom and Kim). Good to see them again. Thanks for their call to Harp earlier to give her a report on us. Expect to stay her a while as the weather is supposed to pick up over the weekend
October 4, 2009 1500
Quite a gale we have been in. Manana just reported that the winds on their boat are gusting to 50 knots here in the anchorage and they are going to motor to the anchorage just to the east (Albert’s) as it gives better shelter from west winds. As we have two anchors out and to pull them would be difficult we have decided to remain in Coches. We will not be the only boat remaining here. All we can do is rest and wait it out. We do frequent chafe checks and everything looks good. Sure glad we are on the south side of the island, as the north side must be a real scary p[ace.
October 5, 2009 0900
The winds are out of the NW, and only at 15 knots. Time to leave for the other side of the island. Bob motored by as he was leaving and we both were missing the “geezer” time that the last two days of gale prevented. It is always good to spend time with my peers and away from the “kids”. Expect to go to the east side of the island today and see some new sights.
October 6. 2009 2100
Anchored in Little Scorpion anchorage on the east side. Spent the day yesterday hiking, getting water for Allymar’s tanks, and having black label with some geezers on shore. Retired school teachers from Visalia who are camping on the island for 3 days. There is a visitors center here with very interesting information on the geology and history of Santa Cruz. Another place we took from prior inhabitants who lived here for 13000 years. There are some of the most concentrated volcanic sea caves here and the geology is dynamic. Will get more water tomorrow and limit showers and start washing dishes in salt water. Another Oregon boat pulled into the anchorage in the evening, Stepping Stone out of Newport. They will be doing the HaHa also. Family of 4, with 2 daughters of +/- 5 and 16. Hope for another grand day tomorrow.October 9, 2009. In route for Catalina Island. NW winds and a following sea which makes for a rolly ride. Looking forward to arriving at another place. Santa Cruz was fantastic, with the sea caves, foxes, kelp beads and hikes
Fair winds
September 19, 2009
Left the hustle and bustle of the tourist town of Morro Bay to sail to Port San Luis. Finally saw almost all of the famous rock as we left. Legend has it that an early Spanish explorer felt it resembled the turbin or a Moor and named the rock. Spent all day in the fog without wind and had a grand sail only the last hour or so. Anchored off of Avila Beach and finally feel that I am in SoCal. Not much in Avila Beach as it is a beach town for San Luis Obisbo. Swimming, beach volleyball and the usual suspects. Had a pier to assist the trip to shore, with a ladder to climb up. Was able to stretch my legs some with a walk on the bike path and one to the lighthouse. 5 other cruising sailboats in the anchorage with us, all headed south.
September 23, 2009
Left at 2100 last night to sail to San Miguel Island. Wet and drippy night with the NW wind coming up after midnight. Ran the reefed main and staysail as night is not the time to put up the down wind sails.
Arrived at about 1420 to Cuyler Harbor and anchored with another boat. Plan was to go ashore and explore, when the winds really picked up and the dingy could not make it. Hard to believe that there can be this much chop and surf with being close to the shore and a mountain between us and the wind, We will be doing an anchor watch hourly tonight and check for chafe and dragging. Put out a second anchor on loose line just in case the primary CQR lets go. With better weather we will hike tomorrow and explore this national park property.
A trip of diversity and changes. Fog, sun, wind, calms, hot and cold. Cities, small towns and isolated anchorages. Placed to go ashore and places we cant due to the weather. Watching the sun come up through the fog this morning and feeling the heat warm a chilled body. Seeing 1 star and than the full star field appear as the fog lifted off the northern California coast. Looking at the new moon the other night the same time as Harp was in Silverton.. Adapting to the differing conditions that we have no control over once we have made a decision to do a passage.
September 24, 2009
Left San Miguel Island this morning and had a light wind run to Johnsaon Lee on the south side of Santa Rosa Island. Calm and smooth, warm and able to take showers in the sun. Bummer in that we re not able to go ashore. Combination of poor shore approach and the hunt on the island which has closed most of the island to visit. Met once again with Tom and Kim on Champagne who helped my sleep with fantastic margaritas.
September 25 2009.
Arrived in Bechers Bay on the east end of Santa Rosa island. Beachers Bay, northwest anchorage. Quite windy (downslope) and was aloso unable to go ashore as the parks dept is rebuilding the pier and I was asked to remove myself and the dingy ASAP. Something about my not reading the notices to mariners. Who ever reads those things anyway. Wild ride with Tom and Kim in his fast dingy with an unscheduled test of his transom when we hit a patch of kelp at full speed. The margaritas helped. Look forward to tomorrow as the weather is supposed to moderate. Hot chocolate night and thinking of family and loved ones. Taking the world as it happens and making the best of each opportunity.
September 26, 2009
Wow, what a day on the island. Winds out of the south allowed us to motor the dingy 1 ½ miles across the bay and land at the head of the canyon. Took a great walk on the canyon trail with wren calls, deep sightings and grand vistas. Saw a rare Santo Rosa Torrey Pine that only grows here and a type of lily that is special to here. Found a campground with hot running water, what a wonderful opportunity to clean up. The park rangers work Tue to Tue and love it out here. They would have taken us on a guided hike but needed greater numbers and were also limited in areas due to the hunt. The ranch family will vacate the island the end of 2011 and at that point the parks service will manage the entire island. Santa Rosa has been overgrazed for years and the chances of it ever being restored top pre white settlement is marginal. They are and will continue to eradicate non native species of animals and plans as possible. Actually the hunt is needed as deer and elk are not native. The question will be, who will eat the nonnative grasses endemic here now. Reminds me of the Steens in eastern Oregon with the removal of cattle from the canyons. Hard to believe that this island once was covered with oaks and had a whole different ecology. What a mess we civilized whites have done to the earth.
Just made it back to Allymar before the northwesterlies blew up in out face as we crossed back over the bay in the dingy with a 2 horse outboard. Glad we left the landing when we did. Another rocky windy night in wind alley.
September 27, 2009
Another night in windy alley was correct. Blew hard all night and when I did anchor watch at 0200 heard the people on the small boat just to SB talking about their anchor and how they were concerned. Left at 0845 this morning and there is no wind and we are motoring in dense fog. Visibility about 100 yards.
September 30, 2009
We all were tired of the constant winds and decided to leave for Santa Cruz island earlier than planned. We have been anchored at Coches Prietos (named for the black pig or boar that used to roam the island before the nature conservancy eliminated the pest). Coches is on the south side of the island and offers excellent protection from the 25 with gusts to 35 knot winds blowing from the NW. Another benefit is that the island soaks up all the moisture in the wind and the decks are not so wet in the morning. If he wind blows from the east and there is no dew on the deck in the morning we must leave for the other side of the island as the Santa Anna’s would be coming. There has been a steady stream of other boats coming and going from here although there are only 2 of us left since yesterday morning. I expect everyone is hunkered down waiting out the weather in nooks and crannies here on the south side. Took a couple of good hikes to the top of the first line of hills and can’t go much farther as the central valley of Santa Cruz is protected. Met a sailor the other night who has been around the globe on his J160 4 times since retirement. He will be joining the HaHa and I hope to talk to him more.
Sandy bottom with the anchor visible from the surface, occasional kelp growing to the surface and water almost warm enough to swim. Colin was able to spear 2 perch the last 2 nights and the variety was appreciated in our diet. We plan to go to Smuggler cove tomorrow for a change of scenery, and maybe the north side of the island before going to Catalina. He warm weather remain our partner. October is tomorrow, wow, we have seen so much in such a short period of time,
October 2, 2009
We have decided to remain at Cochos Prietes as there is a gale blowing on the north side of Santa Cruz Island. So we have to stay here is what is actually a paradise of a spot. The water is clear and the weather except for the inability to go to the north is great. We have easterly winds in the morning and they slowly veer to the NW as the day passes. The other morning was rather hectic with a small santa anna blowing out of the east and boaters leaving the anchorage with calls to us that we HAD to leave as danger was coming. I checked the weather and determined from the forecast and weather buoys at Anacapa Island (east of here) that the blow should be over by noon and we should be ok with two anchors out. Glad I was right as it turned out as planned. Hard decision to make with panicked skippers leaving. Then about 1100 I heard a skipper talking out coming in here, and it was our friends on Champagne (Tom and Kim). Good to see them again. Thanks for their call to Harp earlier to give her a report on us. Expect to stay her a while as the weather is supposed to pick up over the weekend
October 4, 2009 1500
Quite a gale we have been in. Manana just reported that the winds on their boat are gusting to 50 knots here in the anchorage and they are going to motor to the anchorage just to the east (Albert’s) as it gives better shelter from west winds. As we have two anchors out and to pull them would be difficult we have decided to remain in Coches. We will not be the only boat remaining here. All we can do is rest and wait it out. We do frequent chafe checks and everything looks good. Sure glad we are on the south side of the island, as the north side must be a real scary p[ace.
October 5, 2009 0900
The winds are out of the NW, and only at 15 knots. Time to leave for the other side of the island. Bob motored by as he was leaving and we both were missing the “geezer” time that the last two days of gale prevented. It is always good to spend time with my peers and away from the “kids”. Expect to go to the east side of the island today and see some new sights.
October 6. 2009 2100
Anchored in Little Scorpion anchorage on the east side. Spent the day yesterday hiking, getting water for Allymar’s tanks, and having black label with some geezers on shore. Retired school teachers from Visalia who are camping on the island for 3 days. There is a visitors center here with very interesting information on the geology and history of Santa Cruz. Another place we took from prior inhabitants who lived here for 13000 years. There are some of the most concentrated volcanic sea caves here and the geology is dynamic. Will get more water tomorrow and limit showers and start washing dishes in salt water. Another Oregon boat pulled into the anchorage in the evening, Stepping Stone out of Newport. They will be doing the HaHa also. Family of 4, with 2 daughters of +/- 5 and 16. Hope for another grand day tomorrow.October 9, 2009. In route for Catalina Island. NW winds and a following sea which makes for a rolly ride. Looking forward to arriving at another place. Santa Cruz was fantastic, with the sea caves, foxes, kelp beads and hikes
Fair winds
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