Sunday, August 17, 2008

August 17th 2008 Westport Washington

Was sitting on Allymar yesterday when a fellow walked up and said "Do you know me?" I answered "I do now". He was looking at Allymar as if he was seeing an old friend. He introduced himself as Bob Kniermien, and had sold NINFA (Allymars previous name) to the man I purchased her from. His imprint remains on her today in the interior wood and stain glass, compass binnacle, cabin top skylight and many of the things we like so much about her. It was a pleasure to meet him and see his pleasure in return. I hope to be a positive about the next owner as he was. Thanks Bob!!

We are back in the land of military customs officials, (can't go below when they go through cabinets and drawers, get lectured on all the documents we need to have, want to look at our money and etc). Yep, the good old USA. I seem to always forget how much we have moved down the road to oppressive government control of its citizens each time I leave the country. Of
course I did not mention my feelings to the officer, as we would most likely be in Gitmo by now.

Heading further down the coast as the weather allows.

live slow, sail fast



Unknown said...

220 grove av
prescott az 86301 is my address.

I like this last entry.


Bob Knieriem said...

Hi Ken
I have additional ownership data for you if you will please email me directlly.

Bob Knieriem