Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Getting wet

We are in Nanaimo B.C. enjoying the good weather and this fine city. Had a couple of boat jobs to do and they are finished and now to relax. The head holding tank was the messy one and the zinc for the propeller shaft was the wet one. Very important to get wet for one and keep dry for the other and I did it correctly thank goodness. Harp said to have someone take pictures of me in the water doing the prop shaft and put them in the blog. Hope they come. Although it takes up a fair amount of room to have a wet suit with us, it was worth it. The reason for the replacement of the zinc on the shaft was that it was removed by the line from the crab pot we picked up off the coast of Oregon. Glad to finally have that behind us. The zinc is used as a sacracifial metal to corrode rather than the metal of the boat itself. Salt water, stray electrical charges lead to electrical corrosion

Tomorrow we will leave Nanaimo for Desolation Sound and points farther north.

Fair winds


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