Hope your sunday was very productive
We have decided to spend 1 more day on the mainland before heading out to the Channel Islands. Port San Luis beckons and we will sail there tomorrow. Morro Bay was very interesting in that we never saw the famour rock due to fog. Thay did have a alvacado and marguarita festival in our honor and I wonder what Port San Luis has in store. Seemed a shame to not see this part of the California coast while we are here. The difference between even small towns like Morro bay and the isolated anchoraqges makes you appreciate both for what they offer. oo much of both I would expect would be missing the flavor of this wonfderful world. One area we will miss gladly is the LA basin and all of its maddness. By staying in the islands and offshore our next big stop (internet and stores etc) will be San Diego.
Morro Bay is a combination of working port and tourist attraction, as it seems are all of the small ports along the coast. I am glad that they have found a way to survive our economy and smaller fish harvests. Today was washing clothes, reprovisioning and meeting another HaHa participant (Steve on Joya).
San Miguel Island should be our first stop offshore and then on the Santa Cruz island. San Miguel is administered by the Parks Deparrtment and we should get our permission to land tomorrow. Before tghe islands we will be passing Point Conception, known for high winds and called the Cape Horn of California.
So, so long for now and I do not expect to be back posting for some time as there is no wifi out there. Next time pictures
I really appreciated the birthday greetings, where are all the cakes you promised. Call gthe coast guard and they will deliver.
Aloha and great sundays
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
San Fran to San Simeon

Love this place San Simeon. Pelicans diving into the water at warp speed, Seals chasing herring aroubnd in big schools, Sea Otters lying on their backs and waving their flippers at me, Pelicans, Dolphins and more Pelicans. Hearst castle up on the hill and a great little store with good food for lunch. There is a hike on the beach where you walk along the cliff bewtyween rows or wind break trees that must have been planted years ago by easly settlers to the area.
Was great to see Justin in San Fran, Thanks for the use of the car Justin.
Had my birthday yesterday and celebrated with brownies, 1 candle and lots of phone calls. Thanks.
Left Sausalito at 930 Tue morning and arrived in San Simeon at 1430 on Wednesday. 180 miles in less than 30 hours, not bad at all. We expect to leave from here to either Morro Bay or Port San Luis on Sunday weather allowing. We will provision there for a trip f 2 weeks or so to the Channel islands. Have met boats going both north and south here and expect that only to increase as we go farther south.
Crew and skipper are doing well and look forward to warmer weather. The last night out was in the fog and was the coldest so far. When we sailed under the GGB going out we could barely see the bottom of the car surface from directly below and that fog lasted to below Half Moon Bay.
Hello to all
Fair Winds
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Found more pictures

Half way to San Diego

Hello friends
Sailed into San Francisco bay yesterday under the bridge into great saining weather. Lots of expensive racing boats out andf about on our way to anchor off of Sausalito. Was awakened in the middle of the night to see a grand light show of lighting with instant thunder. Watching the lightning hit the hills of Tiburon.
Spent thursday night anchored in Drakes Bay which is about 30 miles north of the bridge. Highlights of the trip down the coast: The 20 hours of heaving too when the winds and swells (increased with the wind waves) reached the point where running before it was not safe. The absolute confidence I now have in the down wind sails which work with only one up if needed. That the wind vane was able to steer Allymar even with onlky 1 down wind sail up. The learning curve of the crew which givves me confidence in them. Warm meals in the evening. The lack of good weather forcasting as the weather that caused us to heave too was supposed to be only 5-15.
Plan is to stay here until early next week and head south with the next stop hopefully to be San Simeon. Maybe have the opportunity to tale Justin and Valerie and others on a sail in the bay.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Almost time to go again

Well the weather is improving and we should beable to leave tomorrow morning at 0700. It has been good to spend time in an old stomping ground although could have done without the rain and winds. Met up with White Cloud out of Seattle, and will hopefully see tham again on the trip to Mexico. The salmon slamming derby has been on all weekend and the word is that the catch wasoor this year. Lors of beer (if you can call coors lite beer) and food were purchased from the venders. Kristin and Colin are itching to go and are working on their assignment to plan a route to frisco with headings, distance and positions off the cape and points.
Saw a couple of Ashlanders and one Medfordite here and had the opportunity to listen to Siskiyou Music Hall on KSOR. Close to the old home I am.
Next post will be from frisco inless weather forces us to stop before. Our next anchorage is to be Drakes Bay just north and west of the golden gate bridge. I am looking forward to going under the bridge again.
Great picture of Harp bringing in the bounty of the garden. Was lucky to get to the farmers market yesterday here so we have fresh veggies for the trip. Food is important off shore, especially warm food.
See you all down the water highway.
Fait winds and following seas
from the not now sailing wife
Wellll some one has to bring in all the corn that Ken planted, and since I can't sail, I got elected.
So here you have it: our first Silverton garden, and we didn't even amend the soil. Beans, corn, peppers squash, tomatos, eggplant, all the usual suspects. If we had any question about whether this was a good place to live to grow our food, those questions have been laid to rest!
Thanks to my pal Rosa who came out in the rain to pick.
Thanks too to Dee for the incredible short cut put up method: cut from cob, vaccuum pack and freeze. To be made into corn salsa et al later.
Blessings to the sailors: my intrepid husband (doing it for both of us) and Kristen and Colin-in my stead. Hope to meet you soon.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Cleaning the bottom the fun way

Took full advantage of a 24-36 hour weather window and scooted down to Brookings. Rubbed off the slight scum that grew on Allymar's bottom since the haul out. Crew did well for their first time out on the ocean, standing watches, asking appropriate questions and dealing with some seasickness with a positive attitude. It was so good to be back on the water, especially watching the moonrise as the sun was going down over thew other shoulder. There was a shade too much motoring as winds were light southerly most of the time. The Monitor vane did yeoman work when asked (I hate to steer). when we had good westerlies.
When we came into Brookings harbor this morning at 0630, the fleet of boats coming out for a Salmon derby met us in the channel between the jetties. Must have been 50 boats in 5 minutes as they rushed out to get the biggest and fastest fish. We just kept our speed and direction and let them go around us. Wish I had my camera as we came in.
When we came into Brookings harbor this morning at 0630, the fleet of boats coming out for a Salmon derby met us in the channel between the jetties. Must have been 50 boats in 5 minutes as they rushed out to get the biggest and fastest fish. We just kept our speed and direction and let them go around us. Wish I had my camera as we came in.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Maybe, Maybe not!
Hello friends
Allymar is ready and the crew is on board. Wondrful NW winds the last 2 days as we prepared to leave. Did the final provisioning this morning at the Safeway in Reedsport. Then I noticed the change. The wind was coming over the stern rather than the bow. Flags were performing the same dance overhead. Oh boy is that really happening!. Checked the weather forecast, and we will heve southerly winds for 3 days and then a retrun to the NWerlies. The low seems to be turning at Cape Mendocino and Califonia is still with NW winds.
The current and wave direction is from ther north, and when a south wind bulids the waves pack up and develop a greater frequency and amplitude = we would be plowing into them and not making much progress south. Another option is to go far offshore on a port tack and then loop back on a starboard tack as the NW winds return. I think the best option is to wait it out and go on friday hopefully. Plan is to put the capes and points about 20 NM to port on the way down stopping at Humboldt Bay is the fog allows and then SF.
Right now the sun is warm, the day is bright and it is casadilla time.
Allymar is ready and the crew is on board. Wondrful NW winds the last 2 days as we prepared to leave. Did the final provisioning this morning at the Safeway in Reedsport. Then I noticed the change. The wind was coming over the stern rather than the bow. Flags were performing the same dance overhead. Oh boy is that really happening!. Checked the weather forecast, and we will heve southerly winds for 3 days and then a retrun to the NWerlies. The low seems to be turning at Cape Mendocino and Califonia is still with NW winds.
The current and wave direction is from ther north, and when a south wind bulids the waves pack up and develop a greater frequency and amplitude = we would be plowing into them and not making much progress south. Another option is to go far offshore on a port tack and then loop back on a starboard tack as the NW winds return. I think the best option is to wait it out and go on friday hopefully. Plan is to put the capes and points about 20 NM to port on the way down stopping at Humboldt Bay is the fog allows and then SF.
Right now the sun is warm, the day is bright and it is casadilla time.
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