2. Look at the crowd of HaHa'ers partying on the beach at Bahia Tortuga. A good time was had by all.
3. Beautiful anchorage in the Sea of Cortez. You anchor in the deeper water where it is a darker blue.
4. Baja is a desert with cactus. Interesting cactus and a desert near the water.
5. The train station in Portland the day I left for Mexico to do the HaHa.
6. Not the best picture as the Dolphin would not stand (swim) still. At night they looked like torpedoes attacking the boat in the phosphorense. They are fast and move towards and away from the boat with suprising speed and agility.
I was not able to post any pictures of the day of the dead. I did not feel comfortable in bringing my camera to what was a rather personal and religious demonstration of their relationship with their ancestors. Not at all like our Halloween night.

I am home in Grand Ronde Oregon where Harp is employed as a Nurse Practitioner at an Indian reservation. She has idea that I will make a good house husband while I am here. Shop and clean is my middle name. I need to get to the storage trailer to get some warm clothes. I am still dressed for Mexico with shorts and hawaiian shirts.
Plan is to do some part time therapy work and follow her wherever she goes with her work (maybe even Wisconsin). We plan to restart our travels on Allymar in August 2009.
Fair winds and holiday greetings