Sunday, October 19, 2008

Finally Pictures

Sent these from Grand Ronde Oregon where Harp is working as a FNP at a native health clinic. Flew to see her for 3 days and it was a great visit.

Back to San Diego tomorrow to get ready to go down the coast of Baja to La Paz.

Pictures are of the crew of SeaHorse and skipper Glenn at the old post office in San Simeon, San Francisco Bay skyline, sunset from sausalito, shoreline north of San Simeon Bay, off shore looking at SeaHorse, San Diego with a carrier.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

San Diego October 16th 2008

Hello from Pier 32 marina in San Diego

Arrived here yesterday after an overnight sail from Santa Barbara. The full moon, dolphins in the moonlight, minimal traffic (other boats) and good music on the I Pod. Rode the Santana's as far as possible then the northwesterterlies picked back up after Catalina Island. I really love the night passages when it is warm and not as moist as off the Oregon and northern california coasts. Quite apparent why this area is so over populated.

Will leave for Mexico as part of the baja Ha Ha rally of 180 sailboats. We plan to go offshore some distance to get out of the mess of boats. It seems that many of the southern california boats hug the coast and even motor. Our plan is to sail it. One more crew member will be joining us soon (Debra from Michigan).

Most of the trip down Baja will be down wind and I hope to set the twin downwind sails for the first time. Glen has them on the boat but has never used them.

Although sailing can be hard work and has the potential (like most things that have meaning) for danger. I really love this opportunity to do something I have dreamed of doing for years. Nights like the last few make you forget the wet 35 knot rolly seas nights of the past. The guide books are correct in that the weather really changes for the better as you round Point Conception. Wake up in the morning and not have to put on a coat. T shirts and shorts. yahoo.

My job now is to scout out for next year with Harp. I do know we will not be going to the spiffy marinas. There are very good places to anchor that give one access to the city without that cost. The coast has many excellent small protected harbors where we could anchor, and then there is Santa Cruz and Catalina islands which we did not stop at at all.

I will be flying to Portland tomorrow to see Harp and really look forward to seeing her again. The ability too travel in a few short hours what took weeks on a boat staggers my mind. Slow food. Slow travel and slow days in this adventure are the goals.

A toast to my mom on her birthday this Oct 18th. Mary Elizabeth Heaney Gosling

I still have not figured out how to attach pictures. Sorry

Love to all



Monday, October 13, 2008

Santo Barbara California

Hello to all from Ken
I have moved my flag to Vindsang, a very similar boat to AllyMar. We are currently in Santa Barbara California waiting out the Santana winds that blow down the canyons and out to the pacific. We have had a fantastic time going south, spending time in SanFrancisco at a marina in Alameda, Santa Cruz (where the fireworks from the boardwalk was our greeting as we came in at midnight), a wonderful anchorage off the Hearst Castle, Morro Bay and now Santa Barbara. Whales (diving under the boat), dive bombing pelicans, seals, sea otters, dolphins and finally now as the weather has warmed beach volleyball. My skipper is named Glenn and he hales from Bellingham Washington.
Hopefully the next step will be to Santa Crus Island. It all depends upon the winds as today there is no anchorage on the eastern side of the island due to the winds. As this entire summer has been passing; time and weather will tell. To finally have a summer is great and makes me thankful for the weather of the Rogue Valley.
On a sad note I must mention the passing of my mother. I was stopping off in Chico to see her on my way down to San Fran when I discovered she had died 6 days previous. Quite the shock. She was a sweet woman and had nothing bad to say about anyone ever. I and the rest of her family will miss her a lot. She did live to 1 month before her 91st, so quite a life.

It is hard to find a computer to update this blog and I will try to be more timely in the future and find out how to uplink pictures in a computer that is not mine.

Aloha and fair winds to all
